Virtual conferences offer several benefits. Because they are hosted through the web they are available to anyone with an internet connection. They’re also less taxing on participants as there is no travel required.
While there are many benefits to a virtual conference we recognize this new format also presents new challenges. It’s important to prepare ahead of time to make sure you get the most out of your virtual conference experience.
- If you can, use a hardwired internet line. This will give you the most stable and reliable internet connection.
- Check your internet speed.
- You can check your internet speed by visiting
- If your connection is slow you may want to consider using an alternate location with better connection to participate in the conference. A slow connection may cause you to be unable to view live video presentations or participate in the engagement required for clock hours.
- Make sure your device is within range of your router if you are using a wireless internet connection.
- If you have headphones, or ear buds, use them. They will help you hear the presenter more clearly and reduce background noise and distractions.
- If you have a webcam turn it off. Participants will not be able to use video during the presentations and a webcam can make your computer/internet connection run more slowly.
Beforehand, do I need to download software to participate in the Conference on the Young Years (CYY)?
- Yes, you will need a free Zoom account to view presentations. In order to view all of the presentations and to receive clock hours, professional development hours or a certificate of attendance you must register for a free Zoom account exactly the same way as you registered for the conference.
- You can register for a free Zoom account here. Instructions are available here.
- If the name and email address provided during conference registration do not match the name and email address of your Zoom account you will not be eligible to view the presentations or receive clock hours, professional development hours or a certificate of attendance.
- Each presentation during the conference has a separate link for you to click on and join. Prior to the conference, please take a few minutes to review the presentations and the descriptions on the CYY website (Thursday | Friday). When you click on the link, you will be asked to provide your email address and name to join.
- If you log into multiple presentations during a session, or multiple devices in the same presentation, with the same credentials you will not be eligible to receive clock hours/professional development hours or a certificate of attendance. All participants must register and use their own credentials to participate in presentations.
What is the cost to participate in the conference?
- CYY 2021 is being offered at no cost.
- Registration is still required to participate.
- All participants wishing to receive clock hours/professional development hours or a certificate of attendance must complete a registration.
How many clock hours/professional development hours are available at the 2021 Conference on the Young Years?
- There are up to ten clock hours/professional development hours available for participating in the full two-day conference.
- Only the registered participant will receive clock hours/professional development hours. If multiple people plan to view presentations they can do so, but without their own unique registration and log in credentials they will not be eligible to receive clock hours/professional development hours or a certificate of attendance.
- If you log into multiple presentations during a session, or multiple devices in the same presentation, with the same credentials you will not be eligible to receive clock hours/professional development hours or a certificate of attendance. All participants must register and use their own credentials to participate in presentations.
I need verification of the presentations I participate in for my administrator.
- Approximately 30 days following the conference, an official Certificate of Attendance will be emailed to all registered participants.
- If multiple people plan to view presentations they can do so, but without their own unique registration and log in credentials they will not be eligible to receive clock hours/professional development hours or a certificate of attendance.
- If you log into multiple presentations during a session, or multiple devices in the same presentation, with the same credentials you will not be eligible to receive clock hours/professional development hours or a certificate of attendance. All participants must register and use their own credentials to participate in presentations.
I need childcare clock hours. How do I do handle that this year with a virtual conference?
- Participants needing clock hours will be required to complete a few things prior to and during the conference.
- During registration you must mark the selection stating you require clock hours/professional development hours or proof of attendance.
- If clock hours are required, an accurate MOPD ID* must be entered on your online registration.
You can look up your MOPD ID here.
- All participants must register for a free Zoom account. You can register for a Zoom account here. To receive clock hours/professional development hours or a certificate of attendance you must register for a Zoom account with exactly the same name and email address as your conference registration. Instructions are available here.
- During the conference you will need to join each presentation at the designated start time, and you will need to remain in the presentation until the end.
- To receive clock hours you must engage in each presentation electronically.
- If all of the listed prerequisites are completed, an official Certificate of Attendance will be emailed to you. Allow approximately 30 days after the conference to receive your official certificate. Participants that provided a valid MOPD ID number will have their attendance uploaded to the Missouri Workshop Calendar.
*If you do not include the correct MOPD ID, your hours will not be credited.
Will presentations be recorded and available after the conference dates?
- No, all presentations will only be available live at their listed time.
How do I access the presentations I registered for?
- All presentation links will be emailed on March 9th to the email address provided on your registration. If you did not receive an email confirmation after you submitted your registration, or you do not receive the presentation links on March 9th, call 573-445-2965 or email.
- Click on the link for the presentation. To enter a presentation you will be asked to provide your email address and name.
- Do not provide your log-in information to others.
- If you log into multiple presentations during a session with the same credentials you will not be eligible to receive clock hours/professional development hours or a certificate of attendance. All participants must register and use their own credentials to participate in presentations.
I just participated in the General Session/Keynote and now it is time for the first session. Can I just stay on my computer or do I need to leave the General Session/Keynote and click on the link for the presentation I want to view?
- You will need to leave the General Session/Keynote presentation and then click on the link for the presentation you want to view.
- For assistance during the conference call 573-445-2965 or email.